online advertising Employ Your Defenses!: Online Data-Entry | Diversify Part 1/3


Online Data-Entry | Diversify Part 1/3

Online data-entry programs are popular because they require absolutely no prior experience and they require little or no monetary investment after the initial membership fee. Plus you can spend as much or as little time as you want doing it and still make a good income. In most cases the membership fee will give you access to a members-only training area. That is what you're paying for--the training. You will learn how to use other sites and tools such as ClickBank, PayDotCom, Google AdSense, Blogs and Twitter (all free to join) to generate income.

The types of jobs available include home secretary work, typing short ads and small articles to longer essays, typing responses on blogs, creating your own blog, even profreading what others have written (if you caught my mistake then maybe proofreading is for you!). Online data-entry is a broad category so chances are you'll find something you can enjoy and earn money doing.

Unfortunately, because of its broadness and popularity there are many bogus data-entry programs. So the problem becomes finding one that's legit. Here are some good ones that I found during my search, so hopefully you won't have to sift through so many like I did.

Check out these suggested programs:
  1. Provides very detailed training on several different types of data-entry opportunities; more, in fact, than most similar programs. Also offers helpful information about taxes for home-based workers, finding affordable health insurance if this ends up replacing your income entirely, how to qualify for SBA loans and gov't grants (though you won't need them for this program), résumé writing, optional certifications and typing training. This program has helped a lot of people earn a lot of money.
    Reported earnings of $200-$1000+ per day. Costs $49.95 to join.
  2. Video tutorials on how to earn money on auto-pilot using Twitter. They can explain how this works better than I can, so follow the link above to their site. Watch the intro video and read the info. All I can say is that when ever there’s a new social trend on the Internet, there is always a chance to make big money from it. Twitter is becoming huge right now, so this could be a great opportunity for you.
    Reported earnings of up to $19k in two-three months. Costs $27 to join.

If you have been successful with these or other online data-entry opportunities, post a comment and tell us about it!

Click Here and search for “data entry” to see other online data-entry programs.

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