Well, here’s a bit of good news. If your renewable energy system generates more power than you use, it is true that the power company is required by law to buy that energy from you at the regular going rate! Okay, so IF you can produce more energy than your family uses in a month, then yes, you can be paid for it. But my parents raised seven kids…. There’s no way they could generate more power than their nine-member family used, right?
Wrong. If they had known how, bless them, my parents-of-seven could very well have done just that. Let’s use a more typical sized family in our example, though. The average household pays what… $600-$1,000 per year to the power company? For easy math we’ll say the Smiths pay $1,000 per year. Divide that by 12 months and they’ve got a bill of $83.33/month. Now let’s be conservative and say that instead of generating more power than they can use, the Smiths’ new system reduces their bill to $10 per month.
So figure this:
- -$83.33 x 12 months = -$999.96 annually
Compared to this:
- -$10 x 12 months = -$120 annually
Even if the power company isn’t sending the Smiths a monthly check, the family is still saving $879.96 per year! This is very doable and it obviously adds up. Now, then, the question becomes how long does the renewable energy system take to pay for itself?
That, of course, depends on the price of the system. A few years ago some of us got used to seeing solar panel systems that cost between $4k and $6k. We thought to ourselves, “How nice it would be to have that kind of money now in order to save around $900 every year to come.” That would be worth it, right? The reality was, we didn’t have that kind of money. Now, though, the technology has improved to the point where we can spend as little as $200 to build our own solar panel system, or sometimes less than $100 for a wind energy system. You can find any number of blueprints being sold for around $200-$600, but I’ve managed to find a place to buy plans for $49! IT’S EASY too!
The Energy2Green company projects an average “savings” of $220 per month! Now come on, we all know that when you’re saving that much on an $83.33 monthly bill, you’ve gone beyond saving and started earning. I know we all hate math, but sometimes it works in our favor, so let’s give it another try, adding in this company’s projections. Bear with me. As I said before, our earlier calculation was conservative.
- $220 (credit) - $83 (owed) = $137 per month!
- $137 x 12 months = $1,644 per year! CASH!
The system can pay for itself in less than two months! You can see why I included this as a way to conserve your earnings, but it obviously has the potential to go well beyond conserving. If you want a project for this Spring, this one could prove to be lucrative, and maybe fun too!
Okay, enough from me. Go to the Energy2Green site and have a look. I was impressed! Watch the short video to see the wind system in action.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention; two more things:
- Energy2Green offers a 100% money back guarantee!
- Did you notice while doing your taxes this year that you can qualify for a tax credit, on top of the savings and earnings, by using renewable energy? I’ll try and find a good article to post about that.
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